What are the effects of thc-o?

While not much is known about the effects of THC-O, those who use this cannabinoid believe that it can help relieve pain, increase appetite and reduce anxiety. Not only is THC-O stronger than other forms of THC, but the psychoactive effects are very different.

What are the effects of thc-o?

While not much is known about the effects of THC-O, those who use this cannabinoid believe that it can help relieve pain, increase appetite and reduce anxiety. Not only is THC-O stronger than other forms of THC, but the psychoactive effects are very different. Many users describe that THC-O produces an almost psychedelic effect, with almost hallucinogenic effects. Both drug experts and sellers advise new users to take it slow when trying this powerful cannabinoid.

THC-O is an extremely potent synthetic form of THC, about which little is known about its long-term effects on the brain and body. Although THC-O has only recently gained popularity, the United States military began studying its effects decades ago. When taken orally, smoked, or vaporized, the THC-O molecule tends to have a similar effect on users, depending on the dose. And its effects are very similar to those of Delta 9, but because it binds more closely to the body's cannabinoid receptors than other forms of THC, THC-O is more intoxicating than Delta 8, Delta 10 or HHC and even stronger than THC Delta 9 (more on that later).

On the other hand, the effects of THC-O are not felt until the body has fully processed it, as are edible products with THC. More research is still needed to scientifically determine the medicinal and therapeutic effects of THC-O. Like edible products with THC, the effects of THC-O aren't evident until the body processes it. While users may report positive experiences with THC-O, abuse or excessive consumption can still cause adverse side effects.

We have reviewed what THC-O is, how it is manufactured and its possible effects, risks and signs of addiction.